Pennsylvania Anthracite Section banner SME Representatives Mike Korb, Dr. Nikhil Trivedi, Dr. Raja V. Ramani, Dr. Barbara Arnold, J. Steven Gardner, David L. Kanagy. Members and guests look at exhibits of mining artifacts with items from the collections of John Podgurski, Reading Anthracite, Eckley Miners Village, the Scranton Anthracite Museum, F. Charles Petrillo, and Mike Korb; and a table publicizing the 2015 Field Conference of PA Geologists. Members and guests look at exhibits of mining artifacts with items from the collections of John Podgurski, Reading Anthracite, Eckley Miners Village, the Scranton Anthracite Museum, F. Charles Petrillo, and Mike Korb; and a table publicizing the 2015 Field Conference of PA Geologists. Section Past Chairs: (L-R) Ken Levitz, Peter Haentjens, John Ackerman, Mike Korb, De Ann Miller, Leonard Lentz, David Mazaika, Jason Tarnoski, John Voigt, Walter Kaufman, Hank Zielinski. Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. Troubadour Van Wagner entertaining attendees. Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. Troubadour Van Wagner entertaining attendees. Award statue Award statue Award Award statue Award statue Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. The friendly registration table! Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. Members and guests look at exhibits of mining artifacts with items from the collections of John Podgurski, Reading Anthracite, Eckley Miners Village, the Scranton Anthracite Museum, F. Charles Petrillo, and Mike Korb; and a table publicizing the 2015 Field Conference of PA Geologists. Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. Troubadour Van Wagner. John Stuart “Stu” Richards. Section members Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. Award statues Dr. Nikhil Trivedi, David L. Kanagy, J. Steven Gardner, Dr. Barbara Arnold. Attendees enjoy the networking & connecting with friends. 100th year anniversary cake! David L. Kanagy, J. Steven Gardner, Dr. Raja V. Ramani Dr. Nikhil Trivedi, J. Steven Gardner SME logo with Penn-Anthracite name on the anniversary cake. Dr. Nikhil Trivedi & Dr. Raja V. Ramani. AIME logo on the anniversary cake. Past Chairs Josh Derrick, De Ann Miller. Good times on the golf course! Members show off their golf skills. HawkMtn Labs, Inc. had a table of refreshments for all players to enjoy!
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