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Appendices for Report on NTSF Embankment Failure, Cadia Valley Operations for Ashurst Australia

Report and appendices to the report available on the bottom of this web page. Appendices are relatively technical.

Tailings Dam Breach Forensic Investigation Tailings Failure Cadia

Report on NTSF Embankment Failure - Cadia Valley Operations for Ashurst Australia

The Cadia tailings dam, owned by Newcrest and in New South Wales Australia, failed on March 9, 2018. Extensive geological investigations, including drilling and sampling activities to characterise the site, laboratory tests, both routine and advanced, were performed to determine the range of properties exhibited by these materials, and Advanced numerical simulations of both deformation behaviour and ultimate failure states were computed to validate the hypotheses of the cause(s) of the Event under consideration.

Tailings Dam Breach Forensic Investigation Tailings Failure Cadia