Community Featured Items

Be Aware of Potential Dam Failure in Your Community - Fact Sheet

This two-page flyer is for the general public. Approximately 14,000 dams in the United States are classified as high-hazard potential, meaning that their failure could result in loss of life. The most important steps you can take to protect yourself from dam failure are to know your risk. Dams present risks, but they also provide many benefits.

FEMA Failure Community Communication

Dam Safety Awareness (Dam Safety Fact Sheet 4 of 4)

Increased awareness of dams and the risks they pose is an important part of dam risk management. Hazards from dams can be triggered by severe weather events, improper operation of the dam, or regular or emergency releases of water downstream.

FEMA General Safety Community Dam Safety
Publication Webpage

Tailings Management Protocol

The Towards Sustainable Mining Tailings Management Protocol, first released in 2004 and revised in 2011, is used to measure tailings management performance, with five performance indicators focused on: Having a corporate tailings management policy and commitment, Developing and implementing site-specific tailings management systems and emergency preparedness measures, Assigning accountability and responsibility for tailings management, Conducting annual tailings management reviews, Developing and implementing site-specific OMS manuals

sustainable sustainability environment responsible engagement community engagement accountability climate transparency credibility Operation maintenance surveillance manual OMS
Webpage Other

Towards Sustainable Mining

Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) is the Mining Association of Canada’s (MAC) commitment to responsible mining. It is a set of tools and indicators to drive performance and ensure that key mining risks are managed responsibly at our members’ facilities. Adhering to the principles of TSM, our members demonstrate leadership by: Engaging with communities, Driving world-leading environmental practices, Committing to the safety and health of employees and surrounding communities, The program was established in 2004 and its main objective is to enable mining companies to meet society’s needs for minerals, metals and energy products in the most socially, economically and environmentally responsible way.

sustainable sustainability environment responsible engagement community engagement accountability climate transparency credibility