mining and power industries Featured Items

TAilings and IndustriaL waste ENGineering (TAILENG)

The TAilings and IndustriaL waste ENGineering (TAILENG) Center is a research center dedicated to advancing the state of knowledge and practice in the design of tailings and industrial waste storage facilities. A consortium of four universities work with mine owners and operators to perform fundamental and applied research on mine tailings and industrial waste (e.g., coal ash) to improve the resilience and sustainability of geotechnical infrastructure required to promote safety in the mining and power industries. We educate students and professionals on the state-of-art and state-of-practice related to tailings and industrial waste storage facilities. We engage with mine owners and operators, consulting engineering, regulatory personnel, and interested members of society to discuss important aspects related to mining and industrial waste.

Tailings dams dam safety waste storage mining and power industries design geotechnical investigation and testing training education