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Using an integrated monitoring platform to communicate geotechnical risk to project stakeholders, MGR 2019: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mining Geomechanical Risk, MGR 2019

Geotechnical data is frequently analysed by highly qualified engineers, but often a challenge is relaying what the data means to other project stakeholders for them to make informed decisions. From equipment operators, to corporate leaders, to the general public, it is an engineer’s responsibility to be able to communicate in an effective manner the meaningful information about risk that is applicable to each group/person. As datasets grow larger, monitoring technology advances, and the input from stakeholders becomes increasingly important. Integrated monitoring platforms must allow engineers to interpret technical information into an understandable form for logical decision-making as it relates to design, safety, environmental management, operations, and regulations. Summarising key metrics, filtering out noise, and aggregating data types for a simplified view of a project are all necessary to effectively allow an engineer to communicate risk and uncertainty with a broad audience. This paper will examine how integrated monitoring platforms assist in bridging the transferring of information about risk to the different types of technical and non-technical stakeholders involved in geotechnical projects; specifically in mining operations.

monitoring stakeholders risk communication