Dams and Embankments Featured Items

AQUASTAT - FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture

Geo-referenced water dam database, organized by region worldwide. An Excel file contains the database and legend. Notes, References, and a document on the importance of dams is also available.

water dam database geo-reference capacity height GRanD dams and embankments

Introduction to Dam and Levee Safety

While not specific to tailings, this webinar includes valuable knowledge for tailings engineers. The objectives of this on-demand seminar will be to identify the current status of existing dams and levees in the United States, to learn the basic fundamentals of performing a dam/levee safety inspection, to learn how to perform a dam safety analysis and assess risks to levee freeboard, and to identify various rehabilitation practices. Topics to be covered in this on-demand seminar will include a history of dams and levees, an overview of dam safety and levee criteria in the United States, identifying the consequences of failure, determining the safety of existing dams and levees, and developing techniques for rehabilitating aging dam and levee structures.

Dams Inspection Safety analysis Dam Safety Dams and Embankments

Mount Polley Mine, Tailings Storage Facility Breach, Investigation Report of the Chief Inspector of Mines

BC Chief Inspector of Mines - The Mount Polley tailings dam, owned by Imperial Metals, breached 4 August 2014, releasing its free pond water and a portion of the tailings into Polley Lake. The spill flooded Polley Lake, creating a plug at Hazeltine Creek, and continued into nearby Quesnel Lake and Cariboo River. The cause of the dam breach and subsequent tailings spill has been investigated with a final report published 31 January 2015, the Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel assessment of the Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Breach.

Tailings Dam Breach Forensic Investigation Tailings Failure Mount Polley Dams and Embankments Failure Risk

Overview of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)

Copy of workshop presentation. Myers presents what ASDSO is and presents ASDSO Task Forces Guidance for Dam Safety Reviews of Engineering Designs and Tailings Dam Regulatory Committee.

Dams and Embankments Design safety tailings

USSD Tailings Committee Update

Copy of workshop presentation. Ridlen presents a summary of USSD's effort in defining/clarifying the technical and procedural recommendations to be followed by EORs and Owners to ensure the safety and stability of tailings dams.

Engineer of Record tailings USSD safety stability Dams and Embankments