Newtonian Featured Items
Publication Event

Advances in non-Newtonian dam break studies, Paste 2019: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2019

Tailings dam failures have and continue to cause large-scale devastation and environmental impacts. Historically these impacts have largely been predicted using Newtonian hydrodynamic modelling principles resulting in a general overestimation of potential consequences. However, since about 2014 the collective mining industry began developing complex tools to better predict the likely impacts of these failures. The industry has focused on leveraging the latest in computational flow dynamics modelling software and computational hardware to preform non-Newtonian tailings dam break assessments. However, as our tools become more sophisticated so does the requirement on input data. This paper discusses the past modelling approaches and the development of non-Newtonian tailings dam break models. The sensitivity of the flow behaviour is presented through four case studies, showing how this selection influences the outcomes and how previous approaches assuming Newtonian characteristics may present an overly conservative result. It is noted that additional knowledge and expertise will become available as non-Newtonian tailings dam break studies become the norm. In the interim, the uncertainty of these analysis needs to be analysed.

Newtonian non-Newtonian tailings dam break modelling
Publication Event

Comparative study of Non-Newtonian thickened tailings in function of water recovered for a specific energy consumption, Paste 2020: 23rd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Taili

?As is well known, the availability of water for mining processes in Chile is limited. In addition, it should be considered that the vast majority of mining plants are located in the northern part of the country, which is for the most part desert, and mainly at a high altitude. Given the low availability of water, various alternatives have emerged such as thickening tailings to high concentrations by weight (recovering more water in the thickeners) or using desalinated seawater. The present study aims to define the optimum thickening concentration for copper tailings, applied to a case study of representative Chilean mine tailings, from a rheological and energy point of view, as a function of recovered water in the thickeners and specific energy consumption (SEC), transporting one ton of Non-Newtonian thickened tailings. The specific energy consumption (SEC) should be related mostly to the solids transported than to the mixture, with thickening becoming a relevant parameter, since in slurry transport, the solids are usually the "payload", while the conveying fluid is simply the "vehicle". The result of this paper provides the industry with an additional variable to consider in the optimum grade of tailings thickening and rheological design parameters for projects, which could be considered in conceptual and pre-feasibility stages or in the optimization of existing systems.

Chile thickening copper non-newtonian specific energy consumption case study