tailings management Featured Items

A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (the Tailings Guide)

Quote from main page: A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (the Tailings Guide) is designed to be applied by MAC members and non-MAC members alike, anywhere in the world. The Tailings Guide, first released in 1998, provides guidance on responsible tailings management, helps companies develop and implement site-specific tailings management systems, and improves consistency of application of engineering and management principles to tailings management.

responsible tailings management tailings management systems tailings management framework best available technology best available practice life cycle planning OMS (Operations Maintenance and Surveillance) implementation emergency preparedness emergency response performance reviews

Bulletin 139 - Improving Tailings Dam Safety - Critical Aspects of Management, Design, Operation and Closure (2011)

In considering the critical aspects required to improve tailings dam safety, the following subjects are addressed in this Bulletin: Corporate and Management Commitment, Education and training of company staff, Critical aspects relating to the design of a tailings dam, Critical aspects to be considered when designing for and implementing the final closure of a tailings dam, Risk management, The essential need for regular external audits and Some notes on the positive role that is played by industry regulators. The conclusion reached in the document is that diligent attention to these critical aspects will result in improved awareness and a lowering of safety incidences for tailings dams.

Design Tailings Management Training Risk Management Risk

Case Studies

Explore the following case studies for examples of current and past projects undertaken through COSIA

accelerated dewatering cross flow filtration filter press tailings centrifuge tailings reduction carbon dioxide amended tailings tailings centrifugation laminar flow dynamic flocculation in-place electro kinetic treatment of tailings applied process innovation centre research and development in tailings management oil sands

Global Tailings Review

The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Principles for Responsible Investment(PRI) share a commitment to the adoption of global best practices on tailings storage facilities. They have co-convened this global tailings review to establish an international standard. This review is being led by Dr Bruno Oberle.

ICMM UNEP PRI Global Tailings Review GISTM Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management

Graduate certificate in tailings management

The Graduate Certificate in Tailings Management is comprised of 12 two-point micro-credentials. Students may apply for the Graduate Certificate in Tailings Management after successfully completing all 12 micro-credentials and associated assessments. The courses include: Introduction to Tailings Management, Tailings operations and Water Management, Tailings Risk Evaluation, Tailings Governance.

Education tailings management operation training design dam safety

Guidelines for Performance Management of Oil Sands Fluid Fine Tailings Deposits to Meet Closure Commitments

The purpose of this document is to provide oil sands mining operators with guidelines for creating FFT management plans, consistent with the intent of Directive 074 and other government policy and regulations. The purpose of FFT management plans is to facilitate closure of oil sands mines by accelerating the conversion of FFT into stable closure landscapes.

closure fluid fine tailings management reclamation oil sands

Oil Sands Tailings Technology Deployment Roadmap Project Report - Volume 1: Project Summary

The objective of this report is intended to be a technology deployment roadmap for "end to end" solutions for oil sands tailings. This technology deployment roadmap and action plan that will assist regulators and industry to create and implement technology solutions that will meet the goals of Alberta Environment (AEW) Directive 047. The report is broken into 4 components that includes a review of current technologies used in the oil sands industry, evaluation of these technologies, and highlights technologies to improve upon existing methods.

tailings technology tailings processing tailings deposition dewatering capping tailings management and reclamation oil sands


To meet the growing need for multi-disciplinary training and education, three major universities in the US that are at the core of training and research in mining engineering and mine waste management have combined forces to form the Tailings Center. The Tailings Center will leverage faculty from the three universities and work with industry leaders to develop timely and appropriate training opportunities for practicing professionals and graduate/undergraduate students that have an interest in tailings management.

Tailings mining engineering mine waste tailings management dam safety geotechnical investigation and testing training education
Publication Event

Tailings dam safety: going beyond technical, Paste 2019: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2019

The criticality of effective stewardship of tailings facilities has recently gained increasing recognition and triggered much effort on the part of the many mining companies across the world. The world of mining, and in particular the mine waste management practice area, is changing dramatically after the recent tragic events following the tailings dam failure in Brazil in January 2019. Investors, communities, shareholders, nongovernmental organisations, regulators and insurance companies are looking to the tailings storage facilities and their management through a completely different lens; one that focuses on the need for implementing best available practices (BAP), best applicable technologies (BAT), and how the zero repeats commitment of the mining industry will be achieved. This presentation outlines Anglo American’s approach to building a world-class tailings storage facilities practice, which includes a number of key must-have ingredients: A solid and strict governance framework for the oversight of a large portfolio of tailings and water dams in a global environment, where stringent minimum technical standards are implemented with non-negotiable requirements. The need for people with the right set of skills, competencies, and technical knowledge, but also the mindset on safety and the ‘do the right thing’ approach that needs to be part of their DNA. The critical controls definition and implementation to ensure each facility is planned, built and managed safely to design requirements, minimising the presence of the ‘surprise’ effect, and in particular the minimisation of the human error element factor. Pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation in tailings production, deposition, and management of such facilities. From minimising the tailings production, to high tech near real-time monitoring instrumentation and surveillance technologies, all are key ingredients in building a global success story. Implementing the Anglo American dam safety management program at a global level does not come without challenges. The presentation will discuss the strategy and share some of the success stories, as well as lessons learned along the Anglo American journey since 2014, when the company transformed its internal technical requirements, raising the bar to a whole new level.

dam safety governance dam monitoring dam surveillance tailings dam tailings management

Tailings Management Professional Certificate

AusIMM, in conjunction with leading experts in the mining industry, has developed the Professional Certificate in Tailings Management. Featuring internationally-renowned tailings experts and case studies, the course will cover geotechnical, geochemical, governance, closure and socio-economic considerations of tailings management. The interactive, online format of the course will provide participants with an opportunity to learn in a community-based environment from wherever they are situated.

Education tailings management operation training design dam safety case study geotechnical investigation and testing geochemistry ESG