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Publication Event

Pulsation reduction system for positive displacement pumps, Paste 2021: 24th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2021

The paper will present a new pulsation reduction system (PRS) invented by MHWirth. This PRS is— in contrast to conventional pulsation dampers—suitable to eliminate high-frequency pulsation of reciprocating diaphragm pumps. Brief description of functionality: The new damper is connected to the propelling fluid chamber of the diaphragms. The propelling fluid, a hydraulic oil, is used as a damping medium, converting the pulsation energy described above into heat by throttle effects. This effect is similar to a shock absorber. The paper will also explain the PRS effects, present operational data from field application and address the following benefits by using it in a tailings and storage facility:

piston diaphragm pumps paste pumping tailings storage facility pulsation cavitation pressure surge

Tailings Facilities Page

This website links to the ICMM Member Companies and their disclosures related to a Church of England request. From the page: The Church of England Pensions Board and the Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds wrote to 683 extractive companies, including ICMM’s company members, asking them to disclose details of their tailings storage facilities. ICMM is supportive of greater transparency on this important issue. Members have responded to this request and have published details of the tailings storage facilities that they own or operate on their websites. Links are provided for each participating company, where site- and company-specific information can be found

background disclosures Church of England tailings storage facility ICMM Risk Environmental Emergency Response Design