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About Tailings Page

Background page on tailings. From ICMM Page: Tailings is a common by-product of the metals and minerals recovery process. It usually takes the form of a liquid slurry made of fine metal or mineral particles and water – created when mined ore is crushed and finely ground in a milling process.

Background beginners tailings

Canadian Mining Stories

From webpage: The Mining Association of Canada is the voice of the mining industry and seeks to generate greater awareness around important areas in the sector from reclamation to partnerships with Indigenous communities.  The sector is a major economic driver in our Canadian economy and a great contributor to jobs and leading technologies and here are our stories.

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Publication Webpage


From webpage: Minerals and metals are the building blocks of the computers and smartphones we rely on, of the vehicles and public transit that get us places, of the buildings where we live and work, and of green technologies that help make the world a more sustainable place. The Mining Association of Canada is pleased to have its 30 Things resource to showcase the essential role mining plays in our daily lives.

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Tailings Facilities Page

This website links to the ICMM Member Companies and their disclosures related to a Church of England request. From the page: The Church of England Pensions Board and the Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds wrote to 683 extractive companies, including ICMM’s company members, asking them to disclose details of their tailings storage facilities. ICMM is supportive of greater transparency on this important issue. Members have responded to this request and have published details of the tailings storage facilities that they own or operate on their websites. Links are provided for each participating company, where site- and company-specific information can be found

background disclosures Church of England tailings storage facility ICMM Risk Environmental Emergency Response Design