water balance Featured Items
Publication Event

Achieving the design intent, reducing risk and saving costs of tailings storage facilities, Paste 2021: 24th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2021

Planning, operating, monitoring and closing a tailings storage facility (TSF) can present many challenges, especially in dynamic mining environments where site conditions vary spatially and with time. However, big impacts can be made at relatively small cost once the tailings management system, design and performance are well defined and understood. This paper presents various examples of initiatives aimed at achieving the design intent that have been adopted by Rio Tinto Iron Ore, which also reduce risks and improve tailings management performance. Examples presented include development and communication of short-term, long-term and life-of-facility deposition plans, implementation of simple deposition management tools, monitoring and managing slurry density, development and continual oversight of water balance models, and sound investment in water management infrastructure extending to safe performance in emergency situations. Regular governance was also implemented to provide assurance that these controls remain effective.

tailings management design intent deposition water balance decant

Fluid Fine Tailings Management Methods

An Analysis of Impacts on Mine Planning, Land, GHGs, Costs, Site Water Balances and Recycle Water Chloride Concentrations. COSIA requested Norwest to develop generic models to examine the relative impacts of different FFT management processes on mining and tailings capital and operating costs (capEx and OpEx), reclamation and closure costs, and environemtnal impacts. The models were based on two ‘virtual mine’ scenarios selected to represent a range of conditions typical of the surface mine sites of the Athabasca oil sands region.

fluid fine tailings tailings capital operating costs reclamation environmental impacts greenhouse gas GHG surface water ground water water balance chloride concentrations oil sands
Publication Event

Tailings storage facility surface moisture mapping for prediction of dusting events – and other benefits, Paste 2021: 24th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 202

This paper presents the outcomes of a study that utilised predictive methods based on advanced synthetic aperture radar and multispectral data coupled with Google Earth Engine to develop a model for particular TSFs based on historical records, observations, and material types. Google Earth Engine brings the first opportunity to use a systematic and comprehensive combination of radar and visual-infrared satellite data. It was found that the synergy between the two data types could be used to offset the individual ambiguities of each, and the resulting method delivered a predictive dryness probability map and visual moisture/water depth/presence indicators that were able to be verified and made operational almost immediately. On-ground visual records and aerial imagery provided qualitative verification of the approach. The methodology allows TSF operators a free, open source platform with which to monitor and map surface moisture, enabling proactive deposition decision-making to mitigate the risk of tailings dusting. Additional benefits realised include increased data on beach formation, channel and pond location (extent and to some degree depth), improving the accuracy of the TSF water balance. For the particular TSFs studied, the water balance is a critical control from a safety perspective to mitigate potential failure mechanisms, and from an operational perspective to maximise tailings density and water return to the plant.

tailings storage facility tailings dusting environment monitoring satellite water balance