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Tailings Transport & Water Reclaim Systems

Presented by Robert Cooke & Matt Treinen
Sponsored by Newmont and Freeport-McMoRan

$20 Member | $45 Non-member | $5 SME Student Member

Maintaining reliable tailings delivery to and reclaiming water flow from TSFs is critical to safe tailings management. This webinar provides an overview of tailings transport and reclaim water systems, equipment, methods, and configurations, and discusses key design considerations.

Dr. Robert Cooke, a Director of Paterson & Cooke’s North American operations, founded Paterson & Cooke with Dr. Angus Paterson in 1991. Robert has extensive experience with mine tailings, backfill, long distance slurry pipelines, hydraulic ore hoisting, and marine mining applications. Robert has written numerous technical papers and teaches courses presented by P&C and other institutions. Robert serves on tailings and investment review panels for major mining companies and is the Chair of the Technical Working Group of BHP and Rio Tinto’s Tailings Management Consortium.

Matt Treinen, a Principal Engineer with Newmont’s Enterprise Tailings and Dams Team, supports tailings transport and reclaim system optimization and long-term tailings technology evaluation across Newmont’s global operations. He has authored numerous papers and book chapters on tailings transportation and deposition, reclaim water systems, paste backfill, and tailings beach flow modelling.

Meeting Details:
Location: Live Webcast
Starts: 10/8/2024 10:00 am MT
Ends: 10/8/2024 11:00 am MT

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Contact SME
Email: cs@smenet.org
12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle
Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: 720.738.4085
Fax: 303.973.3845


Geochemical Characterization of Tailings: The Why, How and When

Presented by Rens Verburg
Sponsored by Newmont and Freeport-McMoRan

$20 Member | $45 Non-member | $5 SME Student Member

Geochemical characterization of tailings forms an essential component of understanding the potential environmental risks and liabilities associated with tailings disposal and how to prevent, minimize, or mitigate any environmental impacts. The environmental issues typically identified as being of most concern are metal leaching and acid rock drainage, and will be the focus of this presentation. The reasons for, approach to, and timing of tailings geochemical characterization will be introduced and illustrated using case studies. Resources will be provided for further study.

Dr. Rens Verburg is a Senior Vice President and Technical Fellow - Geochemistry in the Redmond/Tacoma offices of WSP, with over 30 years of experience in geochemical evaluation of environmental issues related to mining and mineral processing. He received a master’s in Geochemistry and Economic Geology from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and a doctorate in Geochemistry and Mineralogy from the Pennsylvania State University. Rens has been involved in numerous geochemical studies at mining and mineral processing operations worldwide. He was the Project Director for the development and subsequent updates of the Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) Guide on behalf of INAP.

Meeting Details:
Location: Live Webcast
Starts: 10/15/2024 2:00 pm MT
Ends: 10/15/2024 3:00 pm MT

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Contact SME
Email: cs@smenet.org
12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle
Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: 720.738.4085
Fax: 303.973.3845


UCA Working Group 22 “Information Modelling in Tunneling”: Introduction, Activity Updates, and Lookahead

Presented by Vojtech Ernst Gall & Jacob Grasmick

$20 Member | $45 Non-member | $5 SME Student Member

Several years ago, UCA, a division of SME, launched an initiative to more effectively engage with the International Tunneling Association’s (ITA’s) Working groups (WGs). Under this initiative, the UCA created several WGs that mirrored the ITA WG structure. Among these working groups was the WG 22 “Information Modelling in Tunneling.” The goal of the ITA WG 22 is to support the tunneling industry’s transition to a digital future, and the goal of the UCA WG 22 is, in turn, to support the ITA WG with US experience and to represent US interests within the ITA. This webinar will provide an overview of the current and future activities of the UCA and ITA WGs. It will also introduce the BIM-related Guidelines published by the ITA with support of the UCA, as well as provide an outlook on the new direction of the WG’s. The UCA and ITA WGs are currently undergoing a name change to “Digitalization and Automation.” As such, the ITA, with UCA support, has formed a new task group on “AI & Automation.” The webinar will present the goals of this task group and provide information on how to join in any ITA or UCA activities.

Vojtech Ernst Gall is a Senior Tunneling Engineer at Gall Zeidler Consultants. He has supported owners, designers, and contractors on national and international projects ranging from high-overburden, alpine rock tunnels, to low-overburden, waterway crossings in soft soils. Vojtech received his doctorate from the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany for developing finite element techniques to model hybrid steel fiber and rebar reinforced tunneling segments. Currently, his professional interests lie in digitally supported tunnel design and project Management. Vojtech is the current chair of the UCA Working Group for “Information Modelling in Tunneling,” a contributing member to the International Tunneling Association’s Working Group 22 “Information Modelling in Tunneling,” and the former chair of the UCA Young Members. Vojtech is also the lead author on the ITA’s revised Guidelines for BIM in Tunneling, and a member of the Working Group’s Task Force on Automation & AI.

Jacob Grasmick, PhD, PE is vice-chair of the UCA WG 22 with over 9 years of experience in geotechnical engineering design and analysis for underground construction and tunneling. Jacob has supported the geotechnical evaluation, risk assessment, risk management and engineering analysis of multiple high-profile projects globally. His expertise is in utilizing site investigation, remote sensing, monitoring, and construction data to achieve a better understanding of subsurface characteristics, reduce uncertainty and risk, and optimize construction/design. Jacob is also an Affiliate Faculty member at the Colorado School of Mines teaching Underground Construction Engineering in Soft Ground and participating in tunneling research.

Meeting Details:
Location: Live Webcast
Starts: 10/23/2024 10:00 am MT
Ends: 10/23/2024 11:00 am MT

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Contact SME
Email: cs@smenet.org
12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle
Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: 720.738.4085
Fax: 303.973.3845

Rethink, Reduce, Repurpose Your Tailings with Weir’s Transformational Flowsheets

Presented by Erik Vlot & Job Kruyswijk

Free Webinar

Weir presents its transformational flowsheets for tailings management, designed to help miners rethink, reduce, and repurpose tailings. Recognising the diverse requirements of the mining industry, Weir collaborates with miners to evaluate each solution’s advantages and disadvantages. These customisable flowsheets serve as a foundation for comprehensive tailings management options, ensuring optimal solutions tailored to specific needs. The objective is to produce tailings streams for various purposes or create a consistent product for reliable deposition at the Tailings Storage Facility, regardless of process variations. With all-of-mine capabilities, Weir leverages upstream technologies to minimise downstream tailings issues and enhance dewatering effectiveness.

Weir boasts teams of product and process experts located in all major mining regions. These experts work closely with clients to provide solutions based on unique needs. The regional teams are supported by Weir Technical Centres, which conduct test work and lab analysis. Additionally, Weir offers full-scale demonstrations, from circuit design to on-site sampling and reporting.

With a collaborative mindset, Weir seeks and partners with industry leaders to expand the range of solutions offered, pushing the boundaries in flowsheet design to achieve desired outcomes in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Erik completed his B.Sc. in mechanical engineering in 1992 and worked for various companies in design and engineering since then. In 1998, he started his international career, executing projects in Romania and Czech Republic. In 2022, he joined Weir as system engineer. Since then, Erik has been involved in the design and commissioning of Piston Diaphragm pumps for slurry transportation and tailings systems. He worked on various tailings projects in India, China and Europe. In 2010, he started as product manager systems, where he was responsible for a dedicated team to sell, design and commission solutions projects. He completed his MBA on a Life Cycle Management review of tailings systems in 2015 and became globally responsible for PD pumps and systems in 2016. In 2023, he assumed the position of Global Manager for Tailings & Backfill and became responsible for the global strategy and development of tailings systems. In that same year he started his PhD research on life cycle modelling for tailings systems as well. Erik has published various papers and articles since 2014, specifically focussed on pump technology, as well as on changing the market perception and acceptance on thickened and paste tailings disposal.

Job Kruyswijk graduated from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Geology and a Master’s degree in Mining Engineering. He began his career at Newmont Corporation as an engineer, where he completed numerous feasibility and pre-feasibility studies. In 2015, Job joined Weir, focusing on tailings processing and slurry solutions. At the Weir Technical Centre, he has gained extensive experience in dewatering and slurry characterisation. Job is dedicated to developing sustainable pumping and dewatering solutions, with a particular interest in thickened and paste tailings. His work focuses on transformational solutions for tailings management, aiming to rethink, reduce, and repurpose tailings in innovative ways.

Meeting Details:
Location: Live Webcast
Starts: 12/3/2024 10:00 am MT
Ends: 12/3/2024 11:00 am MT

Register Now

Contact SME
Email: cs@smenet.org
12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle
Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: 720.738.4085
Fax: 303.973.3845


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