Teaching Aids & Resource Materials

Education & outreach materials for SME student chapters

FREE K–12 Educational Resources

The Minerals Education Coalition (MEC) identifies, produces and disseminates fact-based K-12 minerals education lessons and activities. Use these resources for student chapter outreach activities and share the website materials with educators.

Low-cost Supplemental Materials

MEC offers posters, panning supplies, videos and more to supplement your K–12 educational outreach.


Careers in the Mining & Minerals Industry

Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM subjects) are used by mining professionals throughout the industry. Find handouts, PowerPoint presentations, Mining & Career bookmarks and interviews with professionals in the industry to be used as outreach materials.


Outreach Resources for SME Student Chapters

Improving the public perception of mining is essential to the future of our industry. You can help the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) and the Minerals Education Coalition (MEC) spread the word about the importance of mined minerals in everyday life. Use these resources for K–12 and community outreach.