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October 15

Geochemical Characterization of Tailings: The Why, How and When

Geochemical characterization of tailings forms an essential component of understanding the potential environmental risks and liabilities associated with tailings disposal and how to prevent, minimize, or mitigate any environmental impacts. The environmental issues typically identified as being of most concern are metal leaching and acid rock drainage, and will be the focus of this presentation. The reasons for, approach to, and timing of tailings geochemical characterization will be introduced and illustrated using case studies. Resources will be provided for further study.

October 23

UCA Working Group 22 “Information Modelling in Tunneling”: Introduction, Activity Updates, and Lookahead

Several years ago, UCA, a division of SME, launched an initiative to more effectively engage with the International Tunneling Association’s (ITA’s) Working groups (WGs). Under this initiative, the UCA created several WGs that mirrored the ITA WG structure. Among these working groups was the WG 22 “Information Modelling in Tunneling.” The goal of the ITA WG 22 is to support the tunneling industry’s transition to a digital future, and the goal of the UCA WG 22 is, in turn, to support the ITA WG with US experience and to represent US interests within the ITA. This webinar will provide an overview of the current and future activities of the UCA and ITA WGs. It will also introduce the BIM-related Guidelines published by the ITA with support of the UCA, as well as provide an outlook on the new direction of the WG’s. The UCA and ITA WGs are currently undergoing a name change to “Digitalization and Automation.” As such, the ITA, with UCA support, has formed a new task group on “AI & Automation.” The webinar will present the goals of this task group and provide information on how to join in any ITA or UCA activities.